ReadAng read DIANA dihedral angle file ReadListAng read list of DIANA dihedral angle files ReadDg read DG file ReadListDg read list of DG files ReadPdb read PDB file ReadListPdb read list of PDB files ReadSybyl read SYBYL Mol2 file ReadXyz read XYZ file ReadSeq read sequence ReadDump read dump file ReadLol read file with lower limits ReadUpl read file with upper limits ReadAco read file with angle constraints ReadShift read file with chemical shifts ReadOmap read O electron density map ReadPot read potentials for surface coloring ReplaceDg replace with DG file ReplaceListDg replace with list of DG files ReplacePdb replace with PDB file ReplaceListPdb replace with list of PDB files ReadLib read and error check residue library WriteAng write DIANA dihedral angle file WriteDg write DG file WriteSeq write sequence WriteDump write dump file WriteLol write file with lower limits WriteUpl write file with upper limits WriteLib write entries for residue library WriteTransform write current transformation WriteSecondary write macro with secondary structure
Reto Koradi,