

ReadAng - read DIANA dihedral angle file
ReadListAng - read list of DIANA dihedral angle files

ReadAng fileName
ReadListAng fileName

Read a dihedral angle file like it is generated by DIANA or DYANA. The file can contain more than one structure. If only one structure is stored in the file, the file name is taken as name of the molecule. If there are multiple structures, numbers are appended to the file name for generating the molecule names.

ReadListAng expects a file with one file name per line (empty lines allowed), and reads all these files.

All residues must appear in the residue library:

Angle files can only represent structures if the only conformational changes from the standard geometry in the residue library are rotations about dihedral angles. This is the case for structures calculated in dihedral angle space (DIANA), but not e. g. for energy minimized structures. It is also essential to use the same library that was used for the calculations, otherwise structures can be distorted due to slight differences in the standard geometry in the different libraries. It is generally safer to use coordinate files to avoid these problems.


ReadAng /home/joe/struct/my_prot.ang
ReadListAng /home/joe/struct/my_prot.nam

PathNames, ReadDg, ReadPdb, WriteAng



Reto Koradi,