Standard Macros

The subdirectory macros of your MOLMOL installation contains some standard macros. Some of them are used by buttons. All of them can be executed using the XMacStand command. These standard macros are commented, you can use them as instructive examples or basis for your own macros.
Set color of selected atoms to "standard" colors (red for O, yellow for S, etc.), e. g. for CPK model.
Display currently selected parts as CPK. For selected atoms, sets color to standard color, display style to sphere and radius to VdW radius. Makes selected bonds and distances invisible.
Display currently selected parts as ball and stick. For selected atoms, sets color to standard color, display style to sphere and radius to 0.3 times VdW radius. Sets style of selected bonds to half_cylinder.
Display a CA trace for selected resdiues by adding a distance between CA atoms of subsequent residues.
Make ribbon drawing of selected residues. Makes selected atoms and bonds invisible.
Draw spline with variable radius for bundle of structures. Calculates a mean structure, and adds a spline (ribbon) with the average displacement of the CA atoms to the mean structure as the radius.
Draw bonds between heavy atoms of side chains of well defined residues as cones, using the B-factor of atoms as radius, draw other other side chains as sticks. Can e. g. be used for drawing side chains of the mean structure calculated as part of sausage.mac.
Make schematic display of selected DNA/RNA residues. Only sequential residues from one strand should be selected, the macro must be invoked for each strand separately. Draws ribbon through the backbone of the strand, and displays rings as plates in a different color for each base type.
Set color of selected atoms and bonds based on B-factor, using a blue - red - yellow scale for values from 0 to 50.
Change residue types of potentially charged residues in selected molecules to properly reflect charge.
Set material properties of all items, background color, and light source position for good looking black and white plot.

Last modified: Mon Jan 20 19:44:59 CST 2003

Reto Koradi,