# Display a CA trace for selected residues by adding a
# distance between CA atoms of subsequent residues.

# store current selection
DefPropAtom 'prev_sel' 'selected'
DefPropDist 'prev_sel' 'selected'

# deselect all distances so that we can set the color only
# on the new distances and set the selection to the previously
# selected + new distances at the end.
SelectDist '0'

# select CA atoms of selected residues
SelectAtom 'res.selected & ca'

# add distances for all pairs of CA that are less than
# 5 A apart
CalcDist 5.0 1 1 0 0 0 1

# set property for new distances
DefPropDist 'new_dist' 'selected'

# make new distances red, and set their line width to 5
ColorDist 1 0 0
LineDist solid 5

# select the new distances that are not between
# subsequent residues, and remove them
SelectDist 'new_dist & res2.num > res1.num + 1'

# restore previous selection, with new distances added
SelectAtom 'prev_sel'
SelectDist 'new_dist | prev_sel'