# Display bundle of structures as "sausage"
# (spline with variable radius).

# store current selection
DefPropMol 'prev_sel' 'selected'
DefPropRes 'prev_sel' 'selected'
DefPropAtom 'prev_sel' 'selected'

# calculate mean structure, setting B-factor of atoms in
# mean structure to average displacement
MeanMol "mean" avg_disp mean_only

# unset helix and sheet properties for all residues in
# mean structure, we want to add a simple spline, not a
# schematic display of secondary structure
SelectRes 'mol.name = "mean"'
DefPropRes 'helix' '0'
DefPropRes 'sheet' '0'

# select CA atoms of mean structure
SelectAtom 'mol.name = "mean" & name = "CA"'

# set atom radius (which will be used as spline radius)
# to the B-factor, which was calculated as average
# displacement to the mean structure
RadiusAtom bfactor

# add the spline

# use atom radius as spline radius
StyleRibbon as_is as_is as_is atom

# restore old selection, with newly created spline added
SelectMol 'prev_sel | name = "mean"'
SelectRes 'prev_sel | mol.name = "mean"'
SelectAtom 'prev_sel | mol.name = "mean"'