
AddTitleadd 2D text annotation
AddTextadd 3D text annotation
EditTextedit text annotation
SizeTextresize text
AddDrawobjadd line, rectangle or circle
MoveDrawobjmove draw object
StyleDrawobjset display style of draw objects
SetNeighset sheet neighbours of residues
AddRibbonadd ribbons (schematic drawing)
SplitRibbonsplit ribbons
TypeRibbonset type of ribbons
StyleRibbonset display style of ribbons
SizeRibbonset sizes of ribbons
PaintRibbonset coloring style of ribbons
AddPlatesadd plates for rings
SizePlateset sizes of plates
AddSurfaceadd surface
TrimSurfacecut away part of a surface
PaintSurfaceset coloring style of surfaces
AddIsosurfaceadd isosurface of potential
AddTrajecadd trajectories
StyleTrajecset display style of trajectories
AddCirclesadd circles around atoms
AddCylinderadd cylinder for schematic drawing
AddDipoleadd arrow showing dipolar moment
StyleCylinderset display style of cylinders
AddSheetadd sheet for schematic drawing
AddSolidadd solid for schematic drawing
StyleMapset display style of density map
ColorPrimchange color of primitives
TintPrimchange secondary color of primitives
LinePrimset style and width of primitive lines
ShadePrimset shading of primitives
RadiusPrimset radius of primitives
NearPrimset near clipping plane of primitives
MovePrimmove primitive
LengthPrimset length of primitives
RemovePrimremove primitive

Last modified: Mon Jan 20 19:44:57 CST 2003

Reto Koradi,