AddTitle add 2D text annotation AddText add 3D text annotation EditText edit text annotation SizeText resize text AddDrawobj add line, rectangle or circle MoveDrawobj move draw object StyleDrawobj set display style of draw objects SetNeigh set sheet neighbours of residues AddRibbon add ribbons (schematic drawing) SplitRibbon split ribbons TypeRibbon set type of ribbons StyleRibbon set display style of ribbons SizeRibbon set sizes of ribbons PaintRibbon set coloring style of ribbons AddPlates add plates for rings SizePlate set sizes of plates AddSurface add surface TrimSurface cut away part of a surface PaintSurface set coloring style of surfaces AddIsosurface add isosurface of potential AddTrajec add trajectories StyleTrajec set display style of trajectories AddCircles add circles around atoms AddCylinder add cylinder for schematic drawing AddDipole add arrow showing dipolar moment StyleCylinder set display style of cylinders AddSheet add sheet for schematic drawing AddSolid add solid for schematic drawing StyleMap set display style of density map ColorPrim change color of primitives TintPrim change secondary color of primitives LinePrim set style and width of primitive lines ShadePrim set shading of primitives RadiusPrim set radius of primitives NearPrim set near clipping plane of primitives MovePrim move primitive LengthPrim set length of primitives RemovePrim remove primitive
Reto Koradi,