FigDist - show distance vs. structure numberSYNOPSIS
FigDist expr expr expr ( 0 | 1 ) ( 0 | 1 )DESCRIPTION
Create a figure showing distances on the vertical axis vs. structure numbers on the horizontal axis. The first argument gives the number of rows over which the plots are distributed.
The second and third argument give the distance range on the vertical axis.
A plot will be made for all selected distances of the first selected molecule, the corresponding distances from all selected molecules will be shown.
The first option selects whether residue numbers are written as subscripts. The second option selects whether the values of constraints are shown as horizontal lines.
This kind of figure is mainly used for analyzing results of MD runs.
This command supports groups.
FigDist 4 3.0 7.0 0 1SEE ALSO
SelectMol, SelectDist, Group, FigOff, FigAngles, FigCircles