
ColorAtomset color of atoms
ColorBondset color of bonds
ColorDistset color of distances
ColorInitset initial color
TintDistset secondary color of distances
TintInitset initial secondary color
LabelAtomset format of atom label
LabelDistchoose label of distances
LabelInitset initial format of labels
LineAtomset style and width of atom lines
LineBondset style and width of bond lines
LineDistset style and width of distance lines
LineInitset initial style and width of lines
RadiusAtomset radius of atoms
RadiusBondset radius of bonds
RadiusDistset radius of distances
RadiusInitset initial radius
MaterialAtomset material properties of atoms
MaterialBondset material properties of bonds
MaterialDistset material properties of distances
MaterialPrimset material properties of primitives
MaterialInitset initial material properties
TextureAtomset texture of atoms
TextureBondset texture of bonds
TextureDistset texture of distances
TexturePrimset texture of primitives
TextureInitset initial texture
ShadeAtomset shading of atoms
ShadeBondset shading of bonds
ShadeDistset shading of distances
StyleAtomset display style of atoms
StyleBondset display style of bonds
StyleDistset display style of distances
StyleInitset initial display styles
AttrAtomlist attributes of atoms
AttrBondlist attributes of bonds
AttrDistlist attributes of distances
AttrPrimlist attributes of primitives
AttrInitlist initial attributes

Last modified: Mon Jan 20 19:44:58 CST 2003

Reto Koradi,