ColorAtom set color of atoms ColorBond set color of bonds ColorDist set color of distances ColorInit set initial color TintDist set secondary color of distances TintInit set initial secondary color LabelAtom set format of atom label LabelDist choose label of distances LabelInit set initial format of labels LineAtom set style and width of atom lines LineBond set style and width of bond lines LineDist set style and width of distance lines LineInit set initial style and width of lines RadiusAtom set radius of atoms RadiusBond set radius of bonds RadiusDist set radius of distances RadiusInit set initial radius MaterialAtom set material properties of atoms MaterialBond set material properties of bonds MaterialDist set material properties of distances MaterialPrim set material properties of primitives MaterialInit set initial material properties TextureAtom set texture of atoms TextureBond set texture of bonds TextureDist set texture of distances TexturePrim set texture of primitives TextureInit set initial texture ShadeAtom set shading of atoms ShadeBond set shading of bonds ShadeDist set shading of distances StyleAtom set display style of atoms StyleBond set display style of bonds StyleDist set display style of distances StyleInit set initial display styles AttrAtom list attributes of atoms AttrBond list attributes of bonds AttrDist list attributes of distances AttrPrim list attributes of primitives AttrInit list initial attributes
Reto Koradi,