CalcAxis - calculate lengths of principal axesSYNOPSIS
CalcAxis ( 0 | 1 ) ( 0 | 1 )DESCRIPTION
Generate a report with the relative lengths of the principal axes of all selected molecules. Only the selected atoms of each molecule are used, the same mass is used for all atoms.
The lengths are listed relatively to the shortest axis, the average for all structures is given at the end.
The first option selects whether a list with the angles of all selected bonds relative to the principal axes should be printed.
The second option selects whether the principal axes should be displayed. A cylinder will be added, it can be manipulated with the corresponding commands, like LengthPrim and RadiusPrim. The created primitives have the properties "axis" and "cylinder".
This command supports groups.
CalcAxis 0 1SEE ALSO
SelectAtom, Group, Fit, ColorPrim, LengthPrim, RemovePrim, AddCylinder