Using Expressions

When you want to select a number of items, interactive selection can be very cumbersome, especially in large molecules. MOLMOL allows you to select items using a powerful expression syntax. You can interpret these expressions as rules that an item has to satisfy to get selected.

You can use commands like SelectAtom to select items, but it is normally much more convenient to use the Selection Dialog that can be opened by clicking the Selection button on the right side of the main window.

This section gives an informal introduction into selection expressions, a more complete and precise description can be found in the section Expression Syntax.

Short Notation

While the full expression syntax is necessary for complex selections, a more compact notation is supported to make simple selections easier. In this short notation, the expression consists of three parts, all of which are optional:
  1. the character # followed by a list of molecule names and numbers
  2. the character : followed by a list of residue names and numbers
  3. the character @ followed by a list of atom names
Spaces are not allowed within such an expression. Lists of names and numbers, separated by commas, are allowed, as well as ranges of numbers, denoted by the - (minus) character. It is possible to give a list of such expressions, separated by spaces, this will select all parts.

The following are some examples of this short notation used for selecting atoms:

all atoms named CA
all atoms in residues number 10 to 20
all atoms named N, CA or C in residues number 10 to 20 residue number 25, and residues named LYS, in molecules number 1 to 3 and 5
:10@HN :17@HA
atom named HN in residue number 10 and atom named HA in residue number 17

Selecting Everything/Nothing

Giving an empty string as selection expression selects all items. The expression '0' (a string with the digit zero as the only character) will deselect everything.

Full Expression Syntax

The full expression syntax of MOLMOL is very similar to expressions in a programming language like C. A number of values, e. g. charge for the charge of an atom or len for the length of a bond, and boolean properties, like bb for backbone, are available for each item. These can be arbitrarily combined with arithmetic and logical operators. The result of the expression must be a boolean value, all items for which the expression evaluates to true are selected.

The following are some examples of the full notation used for selecting atoms:

name = "CA" & bfactor > 3.2
atoms with name CA and B factor larger than 3.2
vdw < 1.5 | charge > 0.0
atoms with VdW radius less than 1.5 or a positive partial charge

Last modified: Mon Jan 20 19:44:56 CST 2003

Reto Koradi,