A more convenient way to build macros is using the macro recorder available in MOLMOL. You can start the macro recorder with the RecordMac command. It allows you to execute commands in the normal environment (using menus and dialog boxes), record them selectively, and then save the resulting macro.
A history of your session is kept in the file molmol/history of your home/profile directory. It can also serve as starting point for macros.
define CommandNameThe name of the new command is specified after the <define keyword. This is normally followed by a short help message, introduced with the help keyword. An arbitrary number of arguments can be given, each followed by (optional) default values and prompt strings. The arguments are followed by a series of commands that define the functionality of the new command. Arguments are referenced in the form $argName or ${argName}.
help one-line-help
$arg1 = default1 prompt1
$argN = defaultN promptN
The following example defines a new command for adding a partial surface:
When such a definition is encountered, the commands used for the definition are not executed, the only effect is that the definition is added to the MOLMOL command list. It can then be used like one of the builtin commands.define AddPatch help create partial surface for selected atoms $rad = 1.4 "Solvent Radius" DefPropAtom 'surf' 'selected' SelectAtom 'mol.selected' AddSurface (vdw) contact $rad shaded 0 SelectAtom 'mol.selected & ! surf' TrimSurface ($rad + 0.1) SelectAtom 'surf' end
If you want to extend the program with your own set of commands, it is especially useful to have the macro definining them be automatically executed each time you start up the program. See the section on Configuration for a description of how to do that.
Reto Koradi, kor@mol.biol.ethz.ch