

DialMeasure - switch measurement dialog on and off

DialMeasure ( off | on )

Switch measurement dialog on and off.

The measurement dialog displays bond lengths, bond angles, atom distances and dihedral angles of interactively selected atoms, bonds and angles.

The top line of the dialogs reflects the bond and atom selections that are used for the measurements. All other lines correspond to one measurement, where the left text field shows the bond(s)/atoms involved, and the result of the measurement (distance or angle) is displayed in the right text field.

The "Bond Length" line displays the length of the most recently selected bond.

The "Bond Angle" line displays the angle between the two most recently selected bonds.

The "Bond Dih." line displays the dihedral angle between the three most recently selected bonds.

The "Atom Dist." line displays the distance between the two most recently selected atoms.

The "Atom Angle" line displays the angle defined by the three most recently selected atoms.

The "Atom Dih." line displays the angle defined by the four most recently selected atoms.

The OK button closes the dialog, the Help button shows this help page.


DialMeasure on

AddDist, WriteAng



Reto Koradi, kor@mol.biol.ethz.ch